The Orgasm Gap, or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Clitoris.


For some time now I have wanted to write a blog about sex (men, women, and other gender identities) and sex (intercourse, banging, making love, heavy petting, f***ing, masturbating, etc). Deciding on a topic for a first post was no small task: it would have to showcase how gender equality can be gainfully discussed with a sex-positive message.

Of course, I’m not the first person to take on this challenge. This blog will draw heavily on the work of others.

Indeed, the inspiration to highlight the orgasm gap front and center came while reading some poignant writing by Yashar Ali, author of The Current Conscience and an articulate advocate for gender equality. The points he raises in his article on the fake female orgasm embody the spirit of this blog.

Just read it. It’s worth your time whether you are female or male.

However, if you are looking for a TLDR, here is my summary and commentary:

Women orgasm less frequently during sexual encounters than men. More troublingly, women generally feel that they are less deserving of orgasms than men, and this is damaging for all parties involved. We shouldn’t just accept that female orgasms are harder to achieve and, therefore, should be faked or gone without. The difference in “effort” required to orgasm may not even be innate. My personal opinion is that much of the difference is tied to cultural expectations about who deserves the effort.

Society needs to learn how to love the clitoris as much as we love the penis. It is structurally analogous, after all.

I plan on following up on this topic with further research, but that’s all for now.
Here is another article about it if you didn’t catch the in-text link earlier:

About andsometimessex

Blair is a PhD student with an interest in science, gender equality, sex culture, art, and talking about oneself in the third person.
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2 Responses to The Orgasm Gap, or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Clitoris.

  1. Pingback: “Nice Girls” touch themselves. Down there. | A E I O U and sometimes Sex.

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